Wednesday, November 23, 2011


   I was inspired to write this blog post from Jeni Wrightson's on glorious morning blog.  We're both running our first Troy Turkey Trots this year.  She's doing the 10k and I'll be running my first 5k ever.  It's more then just a run on Thanksgiving, the money goes to the regional food bank, and made me realize that I am so incredibly blessed.  I have so much to be thankful for this year, and I can't let myself forget that.  On days when I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, I have to remind myself that I'm not in it alone and I have so many people ready to help me get out from under it.  

My mom.  It is true what they say.  That as you grow older, your mother turns into your best friend.  I know no matter what, she is always there.  Waiting to celebrate the good news and to hug me and tell me things will be okay when my days feel wretched.  Like every mother I'm sure, she always thinks she could have done better or gave me more, but that simply isn't true.  I've learned so much from her and I know she sacrificed so much for me while raising me alone.  I am so thankful for her everyday.  Thank you for all that you are and do momma, I love you!

Tyler.  We've been together for almost 5 years and I know for a fact I wouldn't be the person I am today if we hadn't met.  He is truly my rock and my foundation and has never discouraged me or put me down.  He is a constant source of encouragement and support.  We've been through so much and it has made me stronger and happier person.  I can't imagine my life without Tyler and I know that no matter what, we have the strength and determination to work through anything.  I am so thankful for the encouragement he gives me to push towards my dreams, the love he has for me everyday no matter what, and our future together. I love you so much Poop Pants McGee:)

My family. Who I don't see as often as I like, but that will change soon hopefully.  My Grandparents have been an huge part of my life.  I even got to spend a few years living with them, which I am so thankful to have had that time.  They carted me from Irish dancing lessons, to piano lesson, to voice, to soccer, to play rehearsals. You name it, they had me there. I don't think they'll ever know how grateful and thankful I am to have them. I love you both so incredibly much!  My aunts and uncles were always a big part of my life as well, being an only child and having no cousins until I was 7, I often found myself following my Aunt Beg or Uncle Todd around where ever they went.  I remember standing on my grandparents back porch watching my aunt going to prom with her now husband.  I cherish those time I spent with them.  My cousin, who have grown up so fast right before my eyes.  I love every single one of them and wish I had been there for more of their growing up times.  I was there for special moments, seeing them off to their first days of school and coming down to their presents from Santa on Christmas morning. I am so thankful they are all happy and healthy and growing up to be such wonderful people.

The Wrightson-Monk family.  From the first moment I met Tyler's mom(who came running down Pearl St and gave me a huge hug, I had no idea who she was and thought she was just some crazy woman), I knew I'd never be the same without them.  They will forever be my family.  I have never met people with as big of hearts as they have.  Jan, you have such an incredible heart and soul and I don't think there will ever be anyone, ever like you.  Thank you for bringing me into your family and keeping me there:) Jen and Rae, I am so thankful to have been brought into your family and feel like I have sisters of my own.  I have never felt like I didn't belong or that I wasn't wanted. I love you both so so much.  Bren and Cory, you both made me feel the same. Like I was part of your family since the beginning and I'm so thankful for that.  Oh the sweetest little Addy...the most special little shing.  Being an only child, I'll never have nieces and nephews on my side, but being a part of this family made Adeline feel like my niece and I will always think of her that way. I love you all so much and thank you for always making me feel like part of your loving family.

And My friends.  Who are all so different and loving and caring.  They have been through it all with me and I am so grateful and thankful to have them all in my life.  I could never get by without them.  They pick me up when I fall, keep me somewhat sane, laugh at all the great times and are always always there when I need them.  Jamie, who lives in DC and I hardly get to see, has been my best friend since forever.  We have seen each other through so many obstacles in our lives.  I could never have picked a better friend to have for eternity.  I love and miss you every day!! Mandy, who became my best friend nearly 4 summers ago, will be my forever friend.  She lives in Florida, but every time we're together it's like we had just seen each other the day before. Such a true and genuine friend.  I love each and every one of my friends.  I am so lucky to be able to see the rest of you whenever I please and I know you're always there when I need a friend. Thank you all so much for being who you are and loving me exactly how I am.


And of course...our pups. Who are our children and bring so much happiness and silliness to our lives everyday! 

I hope everyone is able to reflect and remember what this holiday has come to mean.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Au revoir xo

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

P is for Party!

par-ty {pahr-tee} . 1. n. A social gathering designed for pleasure or amusement. 2. v. To celebrate or carouse at, or as if at, a party. (Did someone forget to go home after that party last night?) 3. See also: Bash, blowout, bacchanal, fete, gala, and scene.

Ello :)  I thought to start out, I'd post a little about proper etiquette when it comes to hosting and attending a party, as the holiday season approaches!  Obviously, you are one of two people when it comes to parties; You're either hosting or attending. I don't think either title is less important than the other. Some people simply don't know how to be a proper guest in someone else's home and others have not one clue about being a proper host. Being the host is not an easy task, but it is supposed to be fun!

So while at work, tucked away in your little cubicle, staring off into space(while being extremely productive at the same time!) you decide throwing a party would be absolutely fab. You're fabulous, so why wouldn't one of you're parties be? Now, we're not talking about a party where all you do is say you're having a party, provide enough beer for you..for an hour...and ask everyone else to BYOB(bring your own beer ). We're talking about a real grown-up party. Where your guests might actually bring you flowers or a bottle of wine(we'll discuss this later). Here's a couple tips to keep in mind when hosting a party:

1. Decide what kind of party you want. Cocktail party? Dinner Party? Wine tasting? BBQ? Backyard picnic?
2. Once that's decided, figure out how many people you would like to attend, the time frame of the party, and what type of budget you're working with.
Tip:when figuring out a budget, factor in the number of people that will be attending. Set you're budget higher rather than right on point. Make sure there will be enough food and drinks for people to last for the time frame of the party.
3. Blast out those invites. Text messages, emails, facebook/twitter invites, and good old fashion telephone calls. There are no excuses anymore that you couldn't get a hold of someone. Ask people to RSVP. Don't just say you're having a party. Let them know you'd appreciate an RSVP by a certain date.
4.Create a plan, a menu, a list of things you'll need for the party, and music that will be appropriate for the occasion. *Keep guests with allergies or food dislikes in mind. It's usually best to be on the safe side and have a few selections for your guests to choose from*.
5. If your guests offer to bring something, except. They're only trying to be helpful. However, it is generally not acceptable to ask people, other than close friends or relatives, to bring something.
6. If you're serving alcohol, let guests know what type of alcohol will be available. That way, if they would prefer something different, they can bring something they would like. Make sure to offer alternatives to alcohol as well. If a guests drinks to much, take their keys and offer to put them up for the night.
7. There's no need to over decorate. White fragrance free candles and fresh flowers are elegant and classic.
8. If you want the party to be formal, let your guests know. It's your party.
9. Call people a week in advance to formally invite them again and let them know you're looking forward to having them attend.
10. After everything is said and done, return dishes to guests who might have brought something. Include a note thanking them for attending and how much you enjoyed seeing them.

And remember, it's your party so enjoy yourself!! Nothing will make your guests feel more uncomfortable than a nervous and stressed out host or hostess.

Being the perfect party guest
Follow these 10 simple rules, and you be the guest that everyone wants at their parties!

1. As soon as you arrive to the party, seek out the host and say hello. When you leave, make sure you say goodbye to the host or hostess and thank them for having you.
2. Be respectful of other peoples homes. This means removing your shoes if you notice others have. Using a coaster if they're available. If you spill something, don't turn over the couch cushion or move the planter over to cover your spill, alert the host and offer to help clean it up. If the spill is bad, offer to pay for it to be professionally cleaned.
3. If you break something, don't be scared to tell the host. They'll be way more upset to find it broken the day after...or even a few days tell them right away.
4.Place garbage where it the garbage can or bag.
5. Please, use your inside voice.
6. If it's a sit down dinner, wait to take your first bite until everyone else is seated, especially the host. ( Keep this in mind when you're out to eat with a group of people. It's polite to wait to take your first bite until everyone at the table has received their meal.)
7. Before taking a sip of your drink, propose a toast if no one else has made one. It doesn't have to fancy, just thank your hosts for having you and for all their hard work.
8. PDA? Keep it to a bare(no pun intended) minimum.
9. Offer to help clean up.
10. Don't overstay your welcome.

It's always a nice gesture to offer to bring something. Or bring a bottle of wine or fresh flowers as a gift for your hosts.

It's a party, so have fun, relax, enjoy each other's company and LAUGH....A LOT!!!!!

Hope this is helpful!

Au Revoir!xo